Buying your first home

Many people think home ownership is impossible to obtain but it is not.

So many think, "I have to get my credit right to get a home," and while that is a good idea in theory, those same people have no idea how to go about doing that.

Just paying all your bills is not the simple answer.  If you could do that then you wouldn't have the fractured credit in the first place right?


Sometimes it is about paying the right bill in the right order and at the right time.  There are many government programs that can help you buy a home with credit scores lower than you thought.

If you have the funds but not the credit you can buy a home with a score in the 500s range.

Renting is not all bad but when you think about it you are paying for something that is never yours.

Imagine renting a car from a car rental company for 1 year, imagine the costs and after that year is over you have to turn the car back in and have nothing to show for it.

That is what renting a home is like and many people are put out of those homes because the landlord has decided to sell or some other reason.  You have no control over your own destiny.

Owning your own home means that you have something that is yours and can do what you want to it.  You  never have to ask if you can have a pet or if you can paint the walls that color you love.

It is your home own it. It's time for you to have your own.

It's easier than you think.

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